Monday, December 9, 2013

...22,000 homeless children in New York...! What....???

Invisible Child: Dasani’s Homeless Life
Child Poverty in New York City
...RARELY IF EVER will you find an article of USA reality in CNN TV...! Why? : They are Politico!
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There are more than 22,000 homeless children in New York, the highest number since the Great Depression. This is one of their stories.


_____________________________ can OBAMA a "negro" President, not even mention HOMELESS Children of New York, Washington D.C., etc...!?

BECAUSE HE IS ALSO A BEUROCRAT POLITICO, that has lost most of his human sensibility!
IT does not give USA and a President a "good image" to even mention the HOMELESS of USA, and the dirt of CAPITALISM...!

...22,000 holess children in NEW YORK is more than those during the GREAT DEPRESSION...!
SO WHERE DID PROGRESS and the benefit of STOCK MARKETS, GOVERNMENT OF THE "WHITES", "false economies = drug money washing" GO TO...???

NOOO...! It is the proportion of the POPULATION OF NEW YORK...!!!

Noooooooooo...! Even one[uno] homeless child IS PROOF THAT GOVERNMENT'S are SLAVISTS and segregationists, and make peasants-poor and social classes...!!!

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